Pharmacie Amine Ben Abdennabi
et Emmanuel Thibaudeau


Health for people with a prostate



Andropause, which typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, is caused by a gradual decrease in the production of testosterone. Characterized by physical, psychological, and sexual changes, andropause is only experienced by about 30% of people with a prostate.

Symptoms can include:

Erectile dysfunction
Decreased sexual desire
Insomnia, fatigue, and irritability
Memory and concentration problems
Heart palpitations
Decreased muscle mass and strength
Changes in facial and body hair
Hot flashes and night sweats
An increase in and a new distribution of body fat
Increased bone fragility

Is it possible to reduce the discomfort associated with andropause?

Yes! Often bothersome, andropause symptoms can be alleviated by several treatments. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist. In some cases, medical monitoring may be indicated.

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is an inability or difficulty in achieving or maintaining a satisfactory erection.

Is it my fault?

Not at all! Erectile dysfunction is more common than you think. It can, however, cause a lot of shame and distress in people who experience it.

So, what are the causes?

Several causes may be at play.

Vascular causes

The cause of erectile dysfunction can be vascular in nature, that is, blood has trouble getting inside the penis and/or staying there during sexual activity. This may be due to age, smoking, diabetes, the use of drugs such as cocaine, or low levels of testosterone.

Neurological causes

Erectile dysfunction can be neurological in nature and result from conditions like a stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, surgical injury, or neurological disorders.

Psychological and/or relational causes

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by relationship difficulties or psychological factors such as stress, guilt, anxiety, depression, or performance anxiety. Erectile dysfunction with a psychological cause can be long-term or circumstantial and specific to particular times, places, or partners.

Physiological causes are often accompanied by psychological risk factors that can aggravate the symptoms of the dysfunction.

What do I do if I am experiencing erectile dysfunction? 

As its causes vary widely, it is important to have one’s case assessed by a sexologist and/or doctor.

There are several treatment options for erectile dysfunction, but their effectiveness depends on the proper identification of the underlying causes and risk factors.

Is it treatable?

Several treatments are available that may  enable you to reclaim a satisfying sex life. It all depends on the underlying causes. It is possible to:

Take medication that will affect blood flow to the penis
Take hormone treatments if testosterone deficiency is involved
Undergo surgery
Consult a sexologist to identify and work on psychological and/or relational factors

Do not hesitate to broach the subject with our pharmacists, who will be able to tell you about the different treatment options available.


Alopecia is a common condition in people with a prostate. It is characterized by partial or complete hair loss on the scalp. This condition can be caused by various factors, such as stress, heredity, hormonal changes, autoimmune diseases, scalp infections, or side effects of certain medications.

Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, is the most common form of alopecia. It is caused by the sensitivity of hair follicles to “male” hormones, such as testosterone, which can lead to reduced hair growth and increased hair loss.

There are different treatment options for alopecia in men, depending on the underlying cause. Treatment may include the use of medications, lotions or creams that stimulate hair growth, surgical procedures such as hair transplantation, or lifestyle changes to reduce stress and improve overall health.

It’s important to see a healthcare professional if you notice excessive or unusual hair loss, as it may be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs to be addressed.

If you have any questions or need information about the different drug treatment options for alopecia, do not hesitate to speak to one of our pharmacists.

The information on this website is presented for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide complete information on the subjects covered or to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. This information does not constitute medical consultations, diagnoses, or opinions, and should therefore not be interpreted as such. Please consult your healthcare professional if you have any questions about your medical condition, medications, or treatment.